One thing that a lot of people end up complaining about, and that you might complain about too based on the manner in which you have currently chosen to end up living your life, is that things tend to get boring if you do them too often. If you go to a bar once, it would undoubtedly be a great experience for you. Most people go a few times a week though, and after a few years of this sort of thing it can start becoming a bit of a drag and you would want a change so that you can experience things in a different way.
If you are thinking of going out to have some fun but you want to change up how you go about doing this sort of thing you might want to try a hookah bar. The various Chicago hookah bars that have come up are actually quite nice. They have a lovely, exotic vibe to them and hookah is something that is very gentle on your throat and lungs so you can get the smoking experience without having to worry about coughing all that much.
These bars will obviously have alcohol as well, it’s just that the focus is going to be more on the hookah since this is something that sets these bars apart from the rest. Give it a try, and if you don’t like it you would at the very least get the chance to enjoy your drinks in an exotic environment that is reminiscent of Arab culture and might just make you feel like you are one of the lavish kings of Arabia that once existed many years into the past!